The Nymph Fly:
The Most Effective Fly
The Nymph fly and
nymph fly fishing is probably the most consistent way of catching trout and other game fish. The reason for this is
simple: trout and other game fish spend most of their time feeding underwater either at the bottom or in the layers going to the top. For the most part this is
the most efficient and energy saving method. Nymph fly fishing is also the most difficult and requires
the most skill and the most practice of the main fly fishing methods which include dry fly fishing, wet fly
fishing and streamer fishing.
Trout however, can be just as and
sometimes more selective when feeding on
nymphs than on the adult flies. Nymph fishing has evolved over the years and there are many schools of
thought on what are the best methods. Fly fisherman should realize that there is no "magic formula" for fishing
nymphs contrary to what many fly fishing internet pundits and those on the magazine and book circuit have
proclaimed. Nymphs are effective simply because trout and other game fish feed on
them more than any other stage of insect in most streams. There are exceptions however
including certain species of trout in streams which are not rich where the trout feed mainly on terrestrial insects
in the summer.
One of the great debates is whether to
use an indicator or not when fishing nymphs. This is one of those debates that is more academic than
piscatorial. Whatever works for you is usually the rule of thumb. However, when fishing big water
especially out West I find the difference between watching the colored end of your fly line or some bright colored
knot or object elsewhere on the leader without merit. What is the big difference? On big water and larger
heavier streams some type of indicator will help you locate the leader and put less strain on your eyes. It
should also be noted that the indicators don't always work on some streams because the fish are just too quick
especially on spring creeks. Here the fly angler must develop his 6th sense which comes with time and
practice. So book mark us at because you will
find everything you need to know about nymphs and nymph fishing on this site. Sign up for our free nymph fly
fishing and other fly fishing newsletters below: